Ricardo Saltz Gulko
Ricardo är Eglobalis, Innovation and Experience Consulting Agency, Managing Director, en global strateg och rådgivare till högsta ledningen med fokus på förenkling av upplevelser och verksamhet.
Ricardo är Eglobalis, Innovation and Experience Consulting Agency, Managing Director, en global strateg och rådgivare till högsta ledningen, med fokus på förenkling av upplevelser och verksamhet, kulturomvandling, OX, CX, EX transformativ design, teknikövertagande, innovation och mänsklig anpassningsförmåga.
Han är medgrundare och initiativtagare till ECXO, European Customer Experience Organization, vår globala sammanslutning.
Han har arbetat som global ledare och strateg för många globala teknikföretag, t.ex. Oracle, Ericsson, HP, Samsung, SAP, Thyssenkrupp, Amdocs och VW. Hans fokus ligger på kundupplevelse och framgång, förändring och verksamhetserfarenhet. Han arbetar med globala teknikföretag som strävar efter att omvandla sig själva och är även en keynote speaker.
Han har en MBA från Kellogg Graduate School of Management, IL USA, och grundstudier i IS & Industrial Engineering. Han är en världsmedborgare som talar fem språk flytande och är bosatt i München, Bayern.
Susanne Fries-Palm
Senior Advisor, Ambassador Switzerland and Europe - Founding Member
Susanne Fries-Palm is the Chief Customer Officer at Yonder in Switzerland. She is a customer-oriented cross functional leader and worked in various industries such as IT/Telecommunications, Safety and MedTech.
Susanne Fries-Palm is the Chief Customer Officer at Yonder in Switzerland. She is a customer-oriented cross functional leader and worked in various industries such as IT/Telecommunications, Safety and MedTech.
Focussing on developing organizations and implementing the customer in the core of a business, she has established a Global Customer Service Organization in Europe and she has been responsible for big projects enabling remarkable customer-oriented changes.
As a truly people & customer-oriented leader she manages to create a vision, motivates and thus enables high performing teams.
Joanna kommer ursprungligen från England och har arbetat inom olika branscher, både med kundkontakt och på huvudkontoret, och har expertis inom strategiskt arbete med kundupplevelser, tjänstedesign, emotionell intelligens på arbetsplatsen, coachning, utbildning i kundservice och föredrag.
Enrique Gomez Alonso
Ambassadör - Spanien och Portugal - Grundande medlem
Enrique is a Director in Medallia’s XP (CX & EX) Consulting Team and an Insurance and Telco Industries Expert.
Ray Gerber
Senior Adviser and Global Ambassador
Ray is the Chief Product Officer at Thunderhead, a global leader in customer engagement technologies
Ray is the Chief Product Officer at Thunderhead, a global leader in customer engagement technologies, with over 30 years’ experience in building innovative technologies for enterprise. He has extensive expertise in customer relationship management, customer decisioning and self-learning. He also worked in business process management, customer journey management and enterprise resource planning.
Ray leads the Thunderhead R&D team, responsible for our reputation for disruptive technology. Before Thunderhead, he was VP of Customer Experience at Pegasystems and VP of Engineering at Chordiant Software.
Sue Nabeth-Moore
Ambassadör - Frankrike - Grundande medlem
Sue är grundare av Success Track Enterprise, ett rådgivnings- och coachningsföretag inom CS, och en passionerad och aktiv förespråkare av Customer Success (CS) i Europa.
Sue är en passionerad och aktiv förespråkare av kundframgång (CS) i Europa. Sue är grundare av Success Track Enterprise, ett rådgivnings- och coachningsföretag inom CS, samt medgrundare av Customer Success Mastermind/Success Chain, ett pågående CS-utbildnings- och karriärutvecklingsprogram som hjälper CS/CX-utövare och kunder att skaffa sig nya färdigheter för att växa tillsammans.
Hon organiserar CS-möten i Paris (tidigare även i Lissabon) och var med och grundade det första fransktalande CS-evenemanget, Engage Paris. Hon är en vanlig talare och moderator vid CS-evenemang.
Emma Sutton
Ambassador – UK, Ireland, and EMEA - Founding Member
Emma Sutton, Chief Experience Officer (CXO) at Oracle.
Emma Sutton, Chief Experience Officer (CXO) at Oracle. Anyone that comes into contact with Emma, will immediately feel her energy and passion for all things customer. Day to day, she works globally, helping organizations understand how they transform their business and find creative & innovative solutions to help them move closer to their customers.
For the last 5 years, Emma, has worked for Oracle – the only provider of fully integrated technology solutions that span both infrastructure and applications. Today’s businesses, however need more than just the best technology solutions. Utilising her 25+ years in leadership roles in both retail and financial services, Emma brings her wealth of experience to businesses – large and small – to enable them to utilise the cloud to deliver award winning programmes, greater engagement, results and efficiencies. She is passionate about helping customers create empathy for their brands with their customers and deliver meaningful interactions that enable
them to impact their bottom line.
An early adopter of the Chief Customer Role, Emma has been instrumental in shaping what good looks for one of the newest seats at the boardroom table and is a regular face & thought leader at pan-industry discussion and debate.
When not talking all things customer, Emma lives in the North West of the UK, and can be found in the countryside ….. with her beloved horses.
João Pereira
Commercial Vice President EMEA/APAC and Customer Experience Expert | MBA milkrite | InterPuls I am a results-driven leader with a passion for pushing boundaries and innovative thinking.
I am a results-driven leader with a passion for pushing boundaries and innovative thinking. With over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing, and customer experience, I have developed the critical skills needed to drive customer-centric strategies and foster innovation. As the Commercial VP for EMEA/APAC and Customer Experience at milkrite | InterPuls, my focus is on deeply understanding and addressing customer needs through the study of human behaviour and psychology. I am also committed to mentoring and supporting aspiring professionals in customer experience, marketing, customer success, and sales, with a strong emphasis on the human side of business.
Thomas Karlsson
Ambassador Nordics Region and Europe
Thomas Karlsson is Senior Advisor Customer Experience at SAS Institute Nordics and has a passion for helping organizations build world class customer experiences.
Neil Davey
Hedersambassadör - Grundande medlem
Neil Davey är chefredaktör för MyCustomer. Neil är en erfaren affärsjournalist och redaktör och har arbetat för en rad olika tidningar.
Neil Davey är chefredaktör för MyCustomer. Neil är en erfaren affärsjournalist och redaktör och har under de senaste 15 åren arbetat med en rad olika tidningar, tidskrifter och webbplatser, bland annat Internet Works, CXO Magazine och Business Management. Han började på Sift Media 2007.
Mario Sepp
Ambassador - Austria - Founding Member
Mario Sepp is the founder of “Gastspiel”, located in Austria. He spent 20 years in the aviation industry.
Mario Sepp is the founder of “Gastspiel”, located in Austria. He spent 20 years in the aviation industry. Starting as an electronic engineer, he made his way through various national & international assignments to become EVP Strategy, Business Development & Marketing at the World’s second largest technical service provider to the airline industry. After finishing his Executive MBA, he deepened his knowledge on customer centricity at the Harvard Business School with Prof. Ranjay Gulati. His first efforts in the field of Service Design were internationally recognized with the Budgie Award in London, in the category of “Best Service Provider”, for an exceptional easyjet maintenance concept. This award ceremony marked a crucial turning point in his career, as he became increasingly aware of the possible applications of Service Design. In spring 2012, he therefore founded the consulting company "Gastspiel”, located in Austria, delivering Service & Experience Design and Business Innovation for national & international corporations from a cross-section of various sectors in the fields of production & service delivery.
Vincent Placer
CEO at Teletech.
As a professional with over 20 years of experience, I have always been passionate about putting customers at the forefront of business strategy in both B2C and B2B environments.
Vincent Placer is the CEO at Teletech.
As a professional with over 20 years of experience, I have always been passionate about putting customers at the forefront of business strategy in both B2C and B2B environments. In the telecom industry, I have successfully anticipated customer needs to shape the company's strategic direction and executed effective B2B customer relationship marketing plans.
My experience leading customer relationship and experience transformation programs for top companies
like Nespresso, Nestlé, Christian Dior, LVMH, Carrefour or Nissan showcases my ability to drive positive change.
As CEO of a BPO player, I utilize my customer-focused approach to create a cutting-edge technology and
human-centered strategy for exceptional customer relations.
With my perspective, gained from marketing and operational roles, I can address customer expectations
across diverse environments and channels (digital, phone, retail). I have developed a motivational
management style with record of building and retaining teams. I am poised to lead a transformation with a comprehensive vision for customer centricity, such as streamlining customer journeys, digitizing customer relationships, and fostering a culture of customer focus. In a growth context, I can adequately manage the balance of efficiency, quality, and cost to enhance the overall customer experience.
Ines Järvsoo
Ambassador Estonia and Europe - Founding Member
Ines has over 20 years of experience in Customer Base Management, focusing on effective Customer Lifecycle management and increasing Customer Base Loyalty and Value.
Ines has over 20 years of experience in Customer Base Management, focusing on effective Customer Lifecycle management and increasing Customer Base Loyalty and Value, while embracing data and keeping a close eye on Customer Experience. She is passionate about helping companies to develop and deliver strong customer experiences. Defining the gaps between company and customers, knowing where experiences fall short, which experiences matter most and finding ways to design experiences that exceed customer expectations.
She is originally from Estonia but have worked in Egypt, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA and Croatia.
Steve Belgraver
Ambassador The Netherlands and Europe, Founding Member
A Service Management professional Steve has 15+ years’ experience in the world of B2B enterprise telecoms and ICT.
A Service Management professional Steve has 15+ years’ experience in the world of B2B enterprise telecoms and ICT. Enriched with a multicultural background by having worked and lived in a number of countries and reinforced with academic credentials from 4 universities Steve is driven by a strong desire to explore new experiences and practice his belief in life-long learning. After earning an MBA Steve's passion for improving the client experience led him to discover the field of Customer Experience several years ago. More recently his focus has centered on the nexus where CX and Service Management meet. A cross-functional leader with a solid history in corporate client-facing customer experience management, Steve has a deep understanding of how different business functions spanning the corporate journey influence the customer experience. By advocating the CX perspective with the broader stakeholder communities Steve continually strives to collaboratively ensure the business consistently meets client expectations.
Dr. Marcin Chlodnicki
Ambassador - Poland and Europe
Dr. Marcin is the founding member and active trainer at Service Design Poland. He also
manages his own design practice, Business Development Solutions Sp. z o.o..
With extensive experience, he has conducted thousands of hours of training in Design Thinking, Service Design, Customer Experience Design, and UXD. He is the esteemed author of the popular book, "Service Design in Polish".
Dr. Marcin pioneered the service design trend in Europe and crafted the service design management methodology for the Institute of Industrial Design. He has served as a jury
member for the Dobry Wzór competition and authored numerous scientific and advisory articles, along with several books.
As a lecturer at renowned Polish and European universities, he has also shared his expertise as a trainer in countries such as Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal, and Finland.
Dr. Chlodnicki is an active member of esteemed organizations including Service Design Network, European Academy of Marketing, and co-founder of Service Design Poland. Since the fall of 2023, he has held the distinguished title of ambassador by the European Customer Experience Organization (ECXO) for Poland and the entire European region.
He collaborates with designers worldwide, contributing to the creation of innovative services across various industries, from tourism to banking, insurance, retail, telecom showrooms, and legal and tax offices, as well as medical clinics.
Dr. Marcin has worked with renowned companies including BMW, BP, Dominet Bank, Invest-Bank, Coca-Cola, Jerónimo Martins, ERGO Hestia, Hefra SA, Infoscope, Sasol, Telefonia Dialog, MiniMAL/Billa, Sfinks SA, Volkswagen AG, Warsaw Convention Bureau, Vistula, beyond.pl, MTP, NICKEL Development, POZnan*, and others.
Antonio Grasso
Ambassadör - Italien - Grundande medlem
Antonio är grundare och vd för det italienska startupföretaget Digital Business Innovation Srl och betraktas som en av de främsta influencers inom digital omvandling...
Antonio är grundare och vd för det italienska startupföretaget Digital Business Innovation Srl och betraktas som en av de främsta influencers inom artificiell intelligens, cybersäkerhet, digital omvandling, sakernas internet och blockchain.
Han är rådgivare, konsult inom företag och offentlig sektor och mentor för många nystartade företag. Han samarbetar för närvarande med Siemens, Intel, Europeiska kommissionen, Atos, Cisco, Ericsson, IBM, Talend, Huawei, Automation Anywhere, Oracle, Splunk, HPE, ASG tech och många andra som innehållsrådgivare, B2B-influencer, författare och mjukvaruinnovatör.
Han är en global jurymedlem för FN:s pris Global Entreps Award för hållbarhetsmålen,
Antonio är en ackrediterad och kvalificerad global mentor för startup- och skalföretag av World Business Angels Investment Forum.
Hans etiska vision om digital omvandling har gjort att han är aktiv på många sociala kanaler som alla är inriktade på att sprida kunskap, framför allt till utvecklingsländer. Antonio vill hjälpa till att sprida konceptet digital omvandling och han är aktivt engagerad i sociala medier för att ge det senaste innehållet om ny, framväxande teknik och hur den kan användas för att säkra en bättre framtid.
Antonio Grasso har över 37 års erfarenhet av att hantera många projekt inom informationsteknik för både företag och offentlig sektor. Han anser att digital omvandling är en digital utvecklingsprocess som omfattar många aspekter och att tekniken bara är en del av pusslet. För honom är det största hindret en kulturell förändring, och ett strategiskt tillvägagångssätt för att möta denna epokgörande förändring är av största vikt.
Sylvia Lohr
Ambassador DACH and Europe - Grundande medlem
Sylvia Lohr is leading the B2B-marketing for Enterprise division at Nuance covering DACH, BeNelux and Eastern Europe.
Agnieszka Sulicka-Faverey
Ambassador The Netherlands, Poland and Europe - Grundande medlem
Agnieszka Sulicka-Faverey, She is a Senior Manager Business Experience at Stora Enso
Luigina Ferraro
Ambassador Italia and Europe
Luigina is a CEO of INCIPIT, a company that she founded many years ago, focused on customer experience and feedback management.
Tzachi Ben-Sasson
Ambassador Israel and Global - Grundande medlem
Tzachi is an Organizational Psychologist with over 25 years of experience in Voice of the Customer, Customer Experience and Consulting.
Tzachi is an Organizational Psychologist with over 25 years of experience in Voice of the Customer, Customer Experience and Consulting. For the past 10 years Tzachi is leading the Amdocs global Voice of the Customer program, surveying all Amdocs key customers and working in over 30 countries. Prior to Amdocs, Tzachi worked for Deloitte. Tzachi is passionate about Customer Advocacy, Decision Making, Culture, interpersonal communication and travel.
Christopher Brooks
Ambassadör - Storbritannien - Grundande medlem
Han har tidigare varit chef för Lexden CX och leder nu det prisbelönta internationella företaget Clientship CX, som erbjuder rådgivning om kundupplevelser och tekniska lösningar.
Christopher is a global customer experience specialist with over twenty years consultancy and clientside experience, helping clients profit from customer's-world led thinking. As Managing Director of international CX practice Lexden CX he believes truly great CX practice creates betterment for all customers, employees, communities, society and shareholders.
In addition, he is a keen contributor to the CX community: host of the CXSuperheroes podcast series, member of the ECXO, articles writer for MyCustomer and CX Today, creator of the 'Making a Difference' CX, Founder of the Customer Experience World Games and a guest lecturer on CX Management at International University of Monaco.
Carlos del Corral
Ambassador Nordics Region and Europe
Carlos del Corral, CEO of Lumoa, is a customer-centric leader with a deep passion for data and innovation.
Carlos del Corral, CEO of Lumoa, is a customer-centric leader with a deep passion for data and innovation. With a wealth of experience in leading technology companies like Nokia and Microsoft, as well as being the founder and CEO of Lumoa, Carlos has firsthand experience. He has guided some of the world's best global brands in delivering exceptional customer experiences.
Victor Frossling
Ambassador Nordics Region and Europe
Victor is a senior consultant at Redway with solid expertise in customer experience, marketing strategy and business development.
Agustí Molías Martínez
Ambassador Spain and Europe - Founding Member
Agusti is the CEO of The Client Group. An entrepreneur lifestyle, I seek to transform people by provoking change in organizations.
Agusti is the CEO of The Client Group. An entrepreneur lifestyle, I seek to transform people by provoking change in organizations. My extensive experience in customer relationships, with a high expertise in customer management and talent transformation, as well as my presence in the media, conferences and events, gives me an opportunity to push the development of Customer Experience and Customer Management. I try to take advantage of it. I prefer to inspire rather than to mandate, to inspire rather than to command, to motivate rather than to boss.
Dave Sims
Teknisk rådgivare, konstruktion och utveckling - Grundande medlem
Med över 22 års erfarenhet av webbutveckling brinner Dave för att ge kunderna personlig service och lösningar som är skräddarsydda för deras behov.
Med över 22 års erfarenhet av webbutveckling brinner Dave för att ge kunderna personlig service och lösningar som är skräddarsydda för deras behov.